The World of Abstruse Skhedios includes the Origin which is the remains of the earth after a dimensional collision, the subworld is the Super Void connected to the Origin through the rift.
The Origin
As previously mentioned, The Origin is the remnant of the earth which also means where humans live.
After the Dimensional Collision, the sun and the moon vanish, leaving the earth in the dark. now the thing that vanishes the sun and the moon are everywhere spread across the universe, it's a highly unstable field called the Hofrez field. Everything within the field will dynamically change in a relatively short amount of time. Things will go in and out of existence on a large scale.
Fortunately, some parts of the earth don't get affected by the field, because within these fields there's always a stable space. That's where the human survivors live.
More about the Origin here
(Coming soon)
The Super void
Super void is hypothesized to be a place in between multiverse, or maybe a different place entirely. We aren't so sure. What we are sure of is the Super void is the home of Living voids, a living universe, that can die and multiply.
The space within the Super void was simply called Intervoid space. In this place, teleportation is simply impossible, because there's no plane to bend into. There are no higher dimensions. Usually, you can bend the space to instantly travel from one place to the other but with the absence of space to bend, you simply can't teleport. it's some sort of anti-space.
The Super void is an utterly, completely, and infinitely nothing, a negative space. Anything that try to exist will be erased from existence,
Besides the Living void, there's not much known in the Super void. At least that's all we know so far.
More about the Super Void here
(Coming soon)
The Living Void
We don't know about how living void come to existence besides from another living void. We do know how they procreate or at least for the one we specifically study, there is a possibility for a different way of procreation, but we haven't found much as of now yet.
The living void is a unicellular cosmic organism. The primary diet are minds, since minds have high a compactibility storage, it has high structural data. What Living Void did is simply install, compile, and extract the mind from abstract to physical things, kind of like what you do when downloading and extracting a program.
To survive the nullification of Super void, living void needs a constant stream of endless stuff, mind is ultra dense high structured data, installation process converts this data into physical objects to form the Abstract world and restructured inside the core then turn it into hyper membrane that protects the living void from nullification.
Because there are no minds within the Super Void, the Living Void needs a way to find minds in this case using the rift, the rift acts as a bridge between the Living void and other worlds, we aren't sure how exactly the connection was made, we don't have much information about it, at least for now.
One world this specific Living void we study is connected to The Origin which we human is coming from.
More about the Living void here
The Other World
Besides The Origin, the rift is also connected to all sorts of places. It could be another Dimension, a new world, a different realm, some kind of plane of existence, layer of reality, but not connected to other living voids or at least that's as far as we know
We never try to enter rifts, because of how risky it is, we don't know if we can even go back after entering.