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Simple man and his tent: journey

I lost the [redacted]

I saw a lighthouse far in the distance, why was such a structure built in the middle of a desert? Is this desert an ocean in the past or what? More questions than answers I see, well it was me who gonna need to find out I suppose, or just forget it and put it in the bucket list for later

I walk through the desert path and found another lighthouse. far away I saw an abandoned observatory and a big tug. this area on the desert path is filled with stuff. there was some kind of old street lamp, a vacuum tube lamp, some flags, stone formations, an ancient tablet which I am not interested to translate, a broken collum, and other stuff I can't even describe. 

Well, I believe this stuff came from different times and places and was brought here in different ways. Is this place a dump or what, I shouldn't think that seeing most of the things here are pretty functional? Probably just a normal usual anomaly.

Alright, I get to the mindscape once again. Somehow, no it's not by a portal. how many times have I been here? more of that language again. floating cube? and a weird cube. And many stuff that I don't have to mention since you can see it yourself. I drew it or is it.

the weird cube I just saw in the mindscape.


future note, that actually a [redacted] part of the [redacted] life cycle. it is still unknown what [redaced] does to what it absorbs. or what the [redacted] could mean. I still working on that.


Future future note

I became that [redacted] [redacted] I try to put my [redacted] back but apparently I still working on it, oh the journey isn't over yet. And yeah my objective of being here is completely abandoned. My

A road again. I probably shouldn't describe what you already seen in the sketch instead describe something else entirely. like, a cube that thinking about a cube that thinking about another cube that thinking about the first cube that thinking about a cube.

And stuff. I may still be lost here, and about the bones, I am not sure, I mean I just make some assumption base on stuff I read and translations for trioid language are not perfect, even this book I have is relatively filled with imperfection. Oh yeah, this book is from [redacted] and it doesn't really explain much, I hope it's not fiction though, I should probably make sure of that first before using it as a reference. 

I don't know, I forgot why I am here, standing on top of this tower. Watching the air ship passing by. there's cube on the sky. what does it for though?

Desert Harbour

Ship filling its tank for another voyage to send cargo.

wait the minute. there were actually people living here? I know, I already found one at the bakery a long time ago, and maybe people used airship to go around. another lighthouse again. and sphere? I wonder what that's for, I probably should ask about it.


Future note

I found out what this is all for, it's literally on the name of the place, it's plain sight. Now, I know what a lighthouse is for. Isn't that amazing? 

A rocket, are there planets out there? I don't even sure how the sky works. 


Future note

As you knew we never saw that thing called a rocket by me or did we? Hmm came to think about it. 


I settled on the desert edge. basically, I found a little town, how lovely. that sphere again, and that weird cube. I a just gonna fishing. probably gonna ask for and interview the inhabitants of this town. I had to ask what the [redacted] was for and a lot of stuff. I should try to find some library or any information related thingy.

I walk into the little town and things get even stranger. I hope I am not lost here. so I fishing again when I found a spot. usual.

I know you would probably get tired of me fishing all the time, but how are you not tired of eating. 

The Monument

somewhere in town, there was Monument, I am still not yet found it though, but maybe I will get lucky next time. You may wonder how I get or drew this monument, nope I didn't this picture is from [redacted] obviously. 

Still don't know where I am after lost when trying to find the monument. gonna explore more. there was a lighthouse and a lamptree? is that what they called. that's what I know from the inhabitants of the little town, also they say if there were a lighthouse, a ship would occasionally pass by. I should try to jump into one. I can get pretty far, or maybe yet another lighthouse.

"My never-ending journey has been taking me to many unfamiliar pales but this one. I sense past around here. it's not like I want to go back, but I don't mind remembering it and reliving it, nostalgic you know." end log

"No tent for today. I slept inside, it has been a long time since I didn't sleep inside. far away you can see a mountain, a dith pillar, and an airship. yeah that thing, I mean pillars are made of substances called dith the same thing that made the cube, the rainbow-looking gas-liquid stuff. Who says that? Who else, it's [redacted], and yeah there aren't the same as humans that live in a town where the bakery is. What the heck are they? I would rather not talk about it. waht you want to describe how they look? no, you don't want to know" end log


future note, I am back here again just for [redacted] so that I can [redacted] for a while. then I can [redacted]. Since the fuzz portal is a one-way portal yeah you can go back to the place you are from with the fuzz portal. And the [redacted] only teleport you to places that also have [redacted], ah I know [redacted] also do the same but [redacted] are much more stable, far, and don't need authorization, apparently, they could track me if I use [redacted] I don't know, I just going to use safety measure here. I know you may don't understand what I mean when a different teleportation device can be used at different distances. Ah, whatever.

I find a vacant cabin, but I can't afford it. so I just sleep in a tent yet again. And destroyed the civilization of unknown species probably humans but who knows far far away on the horizon.

I am not even gonna question if the lake is the sky, just because I see balloon aircraft in it. the topography here is being molded and changed by that hole.

Higher Hills

As they called it, it is very high hills. although I wonder why they didn't call it a mountain, presumably because you can't be sure if there was a peak up there. if you look at it from far away. for instance, from the lighthouse at the seashore down there, you won't see the peaks of these hills. also, I have never seen a cubed sphere like that, 

Donut planet

I manage to camp on the ring on this planet. pretty neat right. the gravity at the center is weird, you pulled out from the center. I am not gonna try to explain it, and not gonna say, you should experience it yourself. after a ship arrives I will jump up and go. hey, I remember that chips planet with a hexagonal 2d shape.

the description available in-game

The pocket dimension that being use to prisoning me, or contained by who knows what

The Root Room

located in [redacted], this place is used for [redacted] the root.

After I escape the stupid pocket dimensional prison, I try to find out how I can escape from [redacted] form. and sought help from the inhabitants. to do so I must go to their little town, the other little town in the middle of, the ocean? not the one on the desert edge.

Unorthodox lighthouse tower. 

as you can see in the sketch this lighthouse is unusual. I mean the top of it is in the middle. I guess it's not exactly that unusual since the sky itself is underwater. or something like that I can't really explain it you know,

Space Expedition

Exploring abandoned spacecraft. Seems like this facility is powered by concentrated dense fuzz that emits an enormous amount of energy similar to the sun. although I am not sure whether it's natural or artificial. I do remember seeing it on the lighthouse of the desert harbor. 

no description is available.

found these very nice waterfalls, where fish try to climb them, and their muscle became more tender and thus delicious. well, that's what I thought. and as always I camp near the lighthouse for convenience purposes. what's that? I new structure I had never seen, gonna check it out tomorrow. also as you can see far in the distance a peak of mountains firing a beam of light. I wonder what that's all about. hmm.


I walk near this tower and wonder what purpose this structure is made for. it really looks like a rift I saw in the Origin, the one from the unstable portal I made.

lovely warm little cabin. with some exotic plantations. wait why do I feel like I had been here somehow? hmm. is that the same root from the root room? maybe, I don't know. also, that one thing floating is almost like lamptree but not quite the same. they called lamp core, the mother of lamptree. when the lamp detaches from the lamp core and plants itself into a surface it grows and became lamptree. 

I know it's quite a lot to take in, but believe when they say "you may find what it never been imagined, in a such world there were flooding amount of things, your mind maybe can't handle it, our mind had been flooded by it. take care, and so long. we may meet again." well I guess that is too many things to think about. anyway, I think I have enough food to not hunt rivers every single day for fishing.  

"I don't care what happened up there in the sky, hopefully, nothing bad. Seems like this planet is in defense mode. I don't know. That spike is not usually there. And that big dimensional ship that just emerged out of nothing is also unusual. I guess this sentient world is negotiating with that thing? Idk. Gonna find some rivers to go fishing though, they are usually not far from here. Except if they change places." end log 19387

"oh, finally I found a fishing spot, although it doesn't look like a river or even water, it doesn't matter. I got some fish anyway." End log 20873. Eh ye, ask me if you want me to explain more, only those who actually want to know will know.

Hey it's the end again

the journey is still not yet over, I am still not yet found anything about the Bones, Fuzz, or the Ancient giant. instead, I found more stuff, sphere, dith, tower of abyssal, lamptree, and much more. I mean I do find some information about fuzz, such as concentrated dense fuzz. and many facts about the relation between fuzz, lamptree, and perhaps bones. it may be up to something. I have to go directly to [redacted] in the next journey
