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Simple man and his tent: the beginning

2193 [redacted]

"I still trying to be alone,"

"Somehow I found fish in this massive desert, somehow"

"the war is still going, some of the fortresses seem abandoned, like that big aircraft annihilator.

 seems the war is about to over, like 100 decades later"

"my signal detector is finding something, tomorrow I will check the sources of the signal."

End log

2194 [redacted]

"em, I guess I found the source of the signal, someone left it for me."

"looks like it's unnatural, and not from around here. It's not even a war tech"

"hmm, is it an inactive gateway?" 

"I hope it won't be activated, I see someone has successfully deactivated this thing or it was just inactive. Probably something to do with the missile being stuck up on the thing,  there was a missile high up there, definitely wouldn't want it to explode, or it gonna be my last day."

End log

2195 [redacted]

"um, the portal is activated from another side?"

"Aaaaaah! The portal makes a rift in the ground! My campfire! Nooo!"

"a lot of rainbow-looking gas is coming from the portal, and the transmitter was destroyed. There was a lot of crack in the edge of the rift"

"this won't be my last day. Either I activated the inactive missile and destroy the whole portal, or get sucked in this mess and survive, best luck I need."

2196 [redacted]

"yep you guessed it, I suck into the rift, my entire tent and the ground fall into it"

"a lot of cacti everywhere, and I hope not even one of them flies into me. Hopefully"

"what now?"

"Well, seems like I need to find a food source,"

"Giant chips! Infinity food source. And donut?"

"I will be fine, right?"

2197 [redacted]

"Well look what I found, another giant portal, and yeah it's activated, here we go again,"

"seems like there were 3 different languages written on it, not like the first portal with only one, what is that all about?"

"It's bigger than Mountain I think,"

End log.

2198 [redacted]

"Oh, this place is the manifestation of my thoughts, there were sentences? Tower? It's like a mindscape, can you see my tent."

"there on the left, also what are they doing here? Three languages I saw before,"

"oh seems like I gonna [redacted] again"

2199 [redacted]

"Oh well, my mind goes hard on this one."

"N is super meta? N is absolute relative?"

"I wonder where I am now. Study more about this language. It may take time. I mean seems like time has no effect here. 1 day 1 year, the same. Turns out I can't die here. Although I am still hungry and if I am not eating my stomach not gonna like it."

End log

2200 [redacted]

"Now, I researched this trioid language. Maybe now I can make a portal,"

"I try to find more structure with these trioid languages."

"this pyramid should be enough for now, "

"All I found that translates into a word that meant cactus, what is that supposed to mean?"

End log

2201 [redacted]

"I finally understand how to make a portal, using trioid language"

"but seems like I did it the wrong way"

"the portal destabilizes and breaks reality apart,"

"Oh, man. That was mega rift"

End log?

2202 [redacted]

I ran away from the destruction I had made and found this portal. This one has all 3 languages carved on it. I presume it will take me to yet another mindscape. I already knew what it says. The sky destabilizes, but whose ship is sailing there, I won't think about it for now. I had a better thing to do. Also, that rainbow-looking gas again. Maybe it's liquid although I am not sure. 

The portal in front of me looks stable. May I shall take a look inside. I don't think this world gonna be stable for much longer, I don't want to end my last day here.

Gonna go.

2203 [redacted]

Well, it's almost like the good old days.

You don't know how much time I have been stuck in mindscape before indeed not 100 decades. I can't even tell time. Because the sun does not exist here.

Remember again, it's probably not a mindscape, it's just me who came up with that. Regardless I have to find a way out or maybe not, I can start researching and exploring this place my whole life. I have nothing better to do in the Origin anyway. there are only wars going on there. also, I have to find who create these portals. especially the first portal I found with only one language carved on it. I just realize that The Origin is destabilizing by my portal. oh well, perhaps I should also find out how to fix that.

Log 3436 [redacted]

A long time has truly been passing. at least I found a river though, kinda hungry around here. I am sure the sky doesn't work the same way as the sky in The Origin. and the geometry here is also noticeably different albeit weird. It doesn't matter it won't kill me anyway.

3475 [redacted]

there was traffic here? or may it just be copied from the Origin? seems unnatural there were roads here. maybe it's not was but will be. my kind could get into this realm and start researching and exploring just as I do. and then they will build roads. time here is usually confusing. things from the future could exist before they exist, but how do I know if I am not even from the future. It's just theory, just a thought I had in mind. just a mere thought. 

3480 [redacted]

finally, I found a good place for fishing. oh, that thing up in the sky is a planet cracked open and rainbow fog came out of the crack, and the ring of the planet doing the wild thing, 3-holed planet. 


note from future me, that thing is not [redacted]!, well I am not there anymore. 

3490 [redacted]

Well, what am I supposed to say, these days strange stuff can be usual just like fish. I am still on the journey to the unknown of exploration. It's always surprised me sometimes but will it get [redacted]. I don't know, so far no progress has been made. The land is vast the [redacted] sparse.

3550 [redacted]

What, I told you in the last notes or audio log or something, that I am gonna climb this humongous Cactus and see what's up there. Here I am. Seeing galaxies. Well, I just hope this audio log won't be useless and provide anyone who finds it to continue my research, exploration, and project. Whoever you are, I believe in you. Kinda crazy around here. My mental challenges became as hard as the hardest matter.

3600 [redacted]

No, don't expect me to explain it. I do try to find an explanation for all of this but seems like this world is not meant to be explained. I don't know, I still trying to figure these things out. right now I studying this liquid substance that has the same coloration as rainbow gas. and I am camping right beside a lake with that liquid rainbow gas stuff as a replacement for water. the liquid has negative pressure or something as you can see.

3620 [redacted]

A road again. Is this world copying or something? yeah as I said in the latest log, the land I am camping on is moving, bending, and doing super weird stuff. my research on rainbow liquid as I called it, had no result. I keep some samples in the little bottles though. maybe it gonna change form or something. 

Now I am wondering, whether I am dreaming, in limbo, still alive, or something else entirely. the world is surely dynamic, it's a fast phase of change. now, when I look at the sketch I see more writing. the trioid languages are coming up everywhere. you may wonder where all these sketches come from who drew them, and how accurate the sketch is. well, I definitely am in the sketch. my tent was there, and also my story. if it wasn't me then who drew it. you will find out soon. since I am gonna tell you anyway. there are more sketches to find, and more places to explore. more things to research. you may wonder why would I do all of this. I mean what will you do if you accidentally trap in another world, and there is no place to go back to, like home. well who I am telling you what to do, I ain't anyone. the point is I am obviously alone here. 

Pretzel beach
I sailed far to the ocean and back looping around. well, the topography of the spacetime continuum around here is a donut or maybe a pretzel. my rainbow liquid crystalizes into some kind of cube. I called this material Dith as the carving on some sites suggests. turns out the cube is attracted to something. like a compass. I wonder where this cube wants to go. For now, I would explore this beach area.
End log

Cheese coast

I saw a floating stone on top of the pyramid that build on top of the cheese-like monument. a big monument. I climb to the entrance. I don't think it's a good idea to enter it. this structure is not really far from pretzel beach.

The cube or crystallized dith liquid doesn't seem to want to enter. it wants to stay outside. it is very hard to pull this cube inside. something inside seems to be pushing the cube out. it's like two magnets with the same polarity.

oh no not again. I teleported again to mindscape, yeah I just gonna called that now. what I was thinking? the symbol starts glowing and the glow starts connecting like they are related or something. you know, I had a pretty hard time figuring out all of this while my thoughts were being projected to the mindscape and I see what I think. well, I am at least trying to find out the reason for my sudden teleportation and found out that [redacted] is behind all of this. what is the motivation for [redacted] doing that? well, how should I know, they probably studying me or something, since in mindscape you can see your thoughts but if that's true and they are also around here, should I be able to see their thoughts?

it is noticeable that my priorities have changed over time. at first, I want to get out of this mess, then I want to explore this world and research portals, rainbow liquid/gas, and languages. well, now I try to not be hungry, and finding a place for fishing has become harder and harder. my mind has been broken down multiple times and reformed back as I realize that I can't die. maybe I already die. I never thought about that, too busy doing other things. may I back to my usual river hunting? of course, I did aware that the desert has been following me all this time. the cacti and sand are around my tent. I probably gonna forget it and get used to it 

found a good spot for fishing, there is a lot of fish here. 

ah, those rainbow-looking substances. it's gas-liquid stuff, I don't know. 

Strange section 137

I found an area. the topography is spiral. this move up went go in a circle. I enter the tower, but only a vertical ladder welcomes me inside. I climb up and find a small room in the middle of the tower. I found sketches drawn on a calendar. there were a lot of clues. someone must have been here. this person must have been exploring this world and have a lot of experience.

Bakery Corner

I set my tent on top of the bakery on the edge of the town. I can't believe someone or a group of people live here with all this weirdness and strange stuff. they seem like living in paradise with immortality granted to them. well, what can I say? This world is full of surprises. although they seem [redacted] away from the world. I have things to do and so I left. may they never last but the world seems to disagree.


" I found ancient bones, that [redacted] teleporting around for some reason. 

"It's pretty big bones, it's an electrified bone? I somehow open the bones to see what inside

"I found the reason, the reason why it's teleporting around. There was a substance, an unknown one. This substance produces by the bones. I probably should name this substance."

"This is definitely teleporting being and this is different than the portal I saw before, and I found some kind of symbol, the same symbol I saw carved on the portal. So what, now I found a civilization that is bound to this being."

"I manipulate this substance with electricity. and create a much safer and more stable portal than the one I made before that made the damn rift that brought me to the outside realm or mindscape of some sort."

"Okay, it's time to fish in the rocky ocean? Rockcean? Idk. All I know is the fish is delicious enough that I don't even care about where it comes from."

"If you wonder where I am now, not in the Origin nor mindscape. maybe in between or beyond." 

End log

The end must come and a new beginning will replace this end.

well, here we are now at the end of "the first part of my little exploration of the Abstract world" I should name the world with a fitting name, I just have not yet found a better name.