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Simple man and his tent: Discovery

Finally, I see it, that far of in the distance. the beam of light is the signal from the laboratory. from human remains, from the Origin!
I don't know how, but the Origin is stopped and destabilized by the portal. but how did they come here? Did they destroy the portal? Did they fix it somehow?

I just down after a voyage and I am sure lamptrees is keeping an eye on me now. they are everywhere. fun fact, those two things in the sky are not the sun I know that. As usual, the inhabitants told me, or maybe not, maybe I discovered it myself in the book they gave of course. I still can't find any good resource of information. I know there were these computers and spheres around but they didn't explain much

All I had from them is about how things work and why they work the way they are. I know how the lighthouse works, but not how the lamptrees work. although after thinking about it. I see the similarities. I could be wrong and I still do not yet know about the Ancient Giant. Are they even real? Because there was a possibility that FUZZ may be artificial and doesn't come from bone, maybe it was from the cubes for example. I don't have evidence though. I just gonna locate the laboratory and find out more about it later.
On the way, I go to the laboratory. I found this megalithic monument pyramid thing.
Is it a tomb? maybe not, but it must be related to those Abyssal towers. they have variations. some with carved symbols, some is empty suggesting the buildings probably a canvas for writings and other purposes. interesting. Is this monument a factory that made these towers? and how they distribute it then? hmm. puzzling, or it's probably just me overthinking it.

I don't think I have enough curiosity and reason to go to this monument, although any information from this place may be useful, it also risks my life, heck my entire journey has been risking my life anyway. hmm. I save it for later, I guess. Already had a destination to go to. so, see ya monument.
I see this mural outside the pyramid which is weird. I hypothesized these lamptrees communicate with their kind this way. or do they share their mind this way? or maybe they are eating? hmmm. I am still not sure. Concentratedense Fuzz is a pretty good source of energy. good even. I may need more information. I am sure I will find out later, surely, I will. 
This is strange I had never seen those weeds, those grass are seaweeds, also those stone formations are the same stone formation I saw back in the day when I found the first portal, the portal that started my journey to this world. I have been so far into this world, am I near the Origin or far than ever? yeah, I didn't talk about the Origin and my past especially, I am not running from it, I just get far away from it. There is nothing to do there anyway, Although I am curious how the wars go, is it over? or it just always is the same since I was born? I, I don't understand, I never did. I don't care about it. 

Well since my parent is gone, who knows what happens to them, but they promise they are still alive, somehow, somewhere. I didn't try to find them or anything. I just hope they still exist in some form, somewhere anywhere even. maybe they wouldn't be surprised that now I am trapped inside a cube, maybe they became a cube. I don't know, these thoughts shouldn't distract me from my research, I know, my research is almost pointless. but does it matter? No one here going to stop me from doing whatever. no one going to care about me doing whatever. I will be going to just do what I want. and I want to know more, just for the sake of it, is it wrong to do something for the sake of it? 
what am I doing asking such a question, no one will read this, I am stuck here.  

Also, lamptree still stalking me and using a cracked portal for absolutely no reason besides going here to watch me. they are bad at hiding, I can see them as easily as they can see me, which is kind of funny. Maybe they didn't stalk me, or maybe they observe me for an unidentified reason or something which doesn't make any sense, stalking and observing are the same thing in this situation. At least they not trying to harm me or anything. They just there, watching for afar. Did they the ones who captured me? 
The Root
"What kinda Trees is that root comes from, I suppose it's not a normal one. I see that root rooting on the cube remnant, also those lamptree never leave me alone. Anyway, I have to [redacted], so I can or may [redacted]. Hopefully so."
End root.
For some reason, I tend to be near a lighthouse as if I want to be near it all the time and if I am not, I will have the desire to go find it. maybe it has something to do with the fact that now I am a cube or something. I like to contemplate and see the light from the lighthouse. It feels like eating a good meal. something other than fish, I had enough of fish, I didn't even need to eat fish, but I still can fish them, I have no other thing to do anyway besides go from point A to point B.
what a story without conflict is this, there is no growth, and there is no arch. It doesn't bother me a lot more than this world itself. sometimes life is just like that and that is fine. I have enough problems myself than talking here I am alone, and I like it and not at the same time.
It's weird, I don't want to see other humans, but I want to engage with them, it sounds creepy I know, why don't I just be blind so I can do that? I don't know, maybe I am just being too complicated. 
Wow is this lamptree headquarter or something, five lamptrees hmm. maybe it has something to do with this structure, cycloid. this Arch thingy. I have never seen this thing, and the core in the middle, is mysterious and ominous, you wouldn't feel that just by looking at this sketch, you need to be here and see it yourself which is cheesy. and look at the top of the hill, there was a tower, watch tower? hmm. that something
I wonder what is the purpose of this thing in the past, is it for manufacturing Concentrate Dense FUZZ?
Ah, now we arrive at the Coastown. I know it is bigger than a normal town, but the town is a town. Look, I found a nice spot for camping at the edge of a cliff, pretty neat, right? the beach is filled with newborn cubes, and they immediately go into the lighthouse and then are transported somewhere. I bet the lab, but I am not sure, who knows? you can see far off in the distance a big cube is absorbing this world, not exactly just this region, I should find a better word than absorb. 

Fishing as usual
The research lab is very near now, just a few days on a zeppelin and I will arrive there. For now, I am taking a break. Also, as you can see far away on the horizon the pyramid that is the same pyramid I thought was a tower manufacturer. and a big cube in the sky that is almost in every stage of the cube life cycle, I wonder what that's all about.

The LAB, The Research facility, The LAB COMPLEX
whatever you called it. I have no idea where this facility is located, underground? high up in the sky? somewhere in a pocket dimension? or in between dimensions? inside a cube? Ancient civilization site that ion old? or in the great beginning? but I can say confidently it is not in the Origin, there is no way. wait probably in the mindscape? Well, I came here as usual with a ship and cracked portal. 
Look at these rooms!
aren't they look cool. the is 5 room here. the one containing lamptree, but I am not sure if the lamptree was there before I came here, or if it was the one who stalked me, the second one containing FUZZ and connected to the top one which contained rainbow-looking gas. the left one contains a hole arch, we never talk about it aren't we, huh. it's complicated, I will get into that later,. the last one is me. I can't fish here, too bad.
Cube Observatory
It is still a mystery what happens to the thing that has been absorbed by the cube. maybe like lowering the entropy? well, I am a cube, but hopefully, I didn't go into that stage. In fact, maybe my consciousness halted the cube life cycle. also, where is everybody? so I am not the first human who got here, I mean obviously, I am not the first. but since time works weirdly here maybe I am in the future now, when I was successfully back to the Origin if that is even a thing. and then brought humanity into this world. also, there is another possibility that maybe it's not humans who were here. it can be the inhabitants or other lifeforms entirely. who knows right? I know a long time ago when I see the beam of light, I said it was a human remains from the origin. It's just my speculation. Some part of this place is looks like built by humans for humans. Like plants for oxygen for breathing. I know there is no sun to even begin with. There are still lamps, and I don't know man. It's complicated. Maybe I need time to think about it. 


I don't know about you, but I found this gigantic, very huge machine inside the possible lab complex. I saw a lot of spheres with a lot of stuff around them. and inside each sphere, there was a universe, another world. and in rare cases, I saw other gigantic machines in the sphere. it's nested inside of itself. what all this is for, possibly research and stuff.  

Contemplation room
I really like this place, it's calm and peaceful. nice place to rest after a long crazy day exploring the lab complex. 
I never talk about the time before I found the portal, I mean the portal that starts this journey. Honestly, I already know about the portal, I just don't know the location. I only know it from stories, I don't even believe it was real. But here we are. 

Remember when I said I need time to think about something, maybe now is the time. About the lab that maybe was human remains. There is a lot of human stuff around here, like chairs, tables, coffee, papers, and all of that stuff. So, it is safe to say human was here or I was in the future after I brought humanity or what was left here. I prefer I wasn't the first one. Thinking about how exactly they have gone after it was me who brought them here is uncomfortable. It's like feeling guilty knowing what you going to is already done by you in the past while you in the future are about to go to the past doing the thing that makes you guilty in the first place. Maybe that's why time travel is such a must-avoided topic. Things escalated quickly. 

The Outer rim of the lab complex

Where the lab gets messy and hard to navigate. It's so easy to be lost here. Since everything is moving almost randomly. 

The Artefact
Shield-off by a few towers of abyssal and watched by one ancient giant preventing it to [redacted]


The final thing. the thing that we have been trying to find. that I thought I will never see. I don't think it's a good idea to camp near it. I am afraid. It's huge and tall, almost as tall as a tower of Abyssal. no, maybe even taller and bigger.

it reminds me of the faint memory I had, maybe I have already seen it. 

So what about the Bone, Fuzz, Dith, Cube, Lamptree, Root, and their connection with the ancient giant?
well, did I have to be the one to explain it all? huh, to put it simply it's a giant web. it's abstruse.
hah, not really it may be the way I said it that made it that way. well, I am sorry. good luck with that, I guess.

anyway. I don't think there is anything left to find out, anything big for that matter. I just going to be here. at the end of the journey. rest in peace.

oh wait maybe there was big stuff that was left to find out, may this be the beginning!